Mental Health & Wellbeing
We hope you find this page a useful place for supporting mental health and wellbeing.
The links below provide advice and resources for supporting adults, children and young people.Here are some further links to support you.
February 2024- Mental Health Newsletter.pdf
This is for parents and carers who are feeling anxious or distressed themselves in the current climate, and/or are supporting children who need support with their wellbeing. It is also for parents and carers who want to ensure they keep their children's wellbeing as high as possible given that children are coping with so many sudden changes. Click here
This site was created by Camhs for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being. Click here
Bereavement and Loss
Telephone helpline: 0808 808 1677 Cruise will support children, young people and adults when somebody dies. They also have a comprehensive database of materials on their website. Click here
Telephone helpline: 08088 020 021 Winston’s Wish offers information with supporting grieving children and young people that have lost friends or relatives under different circumstances. It also offers an online chat facility. Click the ‘Get support’ tab and follow the links. Click here
Telephone helpline: 0800 02 888 40 Childhood bereavement UK offers help and support for bereaved children and young people. Click here
They are the future offers advice for children and teenagers that are dealing with grief and loss that are not bereavement related, for example, loses of:
- Friendships (in some cases not knowing if they will see some friends again face to face);
- Teacher relationships;
- The safety and structure of school;
- Rites of passage such as school residential trips, school proms;
- Even exams, which many children have worked so hard for and do not know if they will receive the grades they deserve. Click here
Telephone helpline: 0330 313 9162 Starline offers tips and resources for home learning alongside behaviour. Click here
The Education Endowment Foundation offers support and advice on routines. Click here