Houghton School, Main Street, Houghton on the Hill, LE7 9GD

0116 2412 465


Houghton on the Hill C of E Primary School

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12


Houghton on the Hill CE Primary School admits pupils into its Foundation Stage class and mid-term admissions throughout the school via the Local Authority Admissions Authority. Please note this is an online application system. Parents interested in a place at our school are encouraged to visit the school and also to complete a school admission form.

Deadlines for FIRST TIME ADMISSION is 15th January 2024 for pupils who will be four years old on 31st August 2024.

Pupils due to transfer to secondary education will be contacted by the Education Authority early in the Autumn Term. Applications for secondary places must be made by 31st October 2023.

Currently our planned admissions number for each year group is thirty.

Please follow the links below:

Houghton Primary School

Admissions Policy from Autumn 25

Admissions Policy from Autumn 24 Admissions Policy from Autumn 23

Leicestershire Admissions Website

Some of our classes are full so anyone considering making a mid-year application for a place for their child in EYFS to 6 inclusive is strongly advised to consult with the Headteacher before making any significant commitments.

Entry to our Foundation (4+) stage at the start of each academic year is not affected.